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PCIe SR_IOV VIP development and verification

Perfectly Done..!!! Here are the ways to develop PCIe SR_IOV VIP and verify it..!!! Here is a way to do it..!!! These VIP's help companies make millions of dollors..!!! Sales team helps in dealing with sales of VIP itself..!!! SR_IOV VIP can be developed in following steps..!!! These steps needs to be followed..!!! 1) Need to come up with the SR_IOV configuration space..SR_IOV configuration space can configure various parameters of SR_IOV..!!! 2) Need to create the virtual functions on the basis of NUM_VF parameters..!!! 3) Need to create the virtual functions on the basis of INITIAL_VF parameters..!!! 4) Need to come up with an address range of BAR's for configuring the VF..!!! 5) Need to come up with requirements in terms of configuring the routing ID's..!!! SR_IOV VIP can be verified in following ways..!!! 1) Need to create the virtual functions and do the transaction as per expected..!!! 2) Need to create the virtual functions and check the BAR address ran

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